Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis.
A technique of systematically gathering and analyzing quantitative and qualitative information to determine whose interests should be taken into account throughout the project.

Stakeholder analysis results in a list of stakeholders and relevant information about them:
  • Their positions in the organization, 
  • Roles on the project, 
  • “Stakes,” 
  • Expectations, 
  • Attitudes (their levels of support for the project), 
  • Interest in information about the project. 

Stakeholders’ stakes can include:
  • Interest.  A person or group can be affected by a decision related to the project or its outcomes.
  • Rights   (legal  or  moral  rights).  Legal  rights,  such  as  occupational  health  and  safety,  may  be  defined  in  the  legislation  framework  of  a  country.  Moral  rights  may  involve  concepts  of  protection  of  historical  sites  or  environmental sustainability.
  • Ownership. A person or group has a legal title to an asset or a property. 
  • Knowledge. Specialist knowledge, which can benefit the project through more effective delivery of project objectives, organizational outcomes, or knowledge of the power structures of the organization.
  • Contribution. Provision of funds or other resources, including human resources, or providing support for the project in more intangible ways, such as advocacy in the form of promoting the objectives of the project or acting as a buffer between the project and the power structures of the organization and its politics.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Key Concepts of Project Stakeholder Management

Project stakeholder:
Person or entity, getting impacted or impacts, Positively or Negatively the project or its outcome.

Effective stakeholder management:
Begin the management from the beginning
Focus on continuous communication
Understand needs, pain points, expectations
Address issues early and as they occur
Manage conflicting requirements
Nurture and foster network within project stakeholders
This is an iterative process across the life cycle of project.

Trends & emerging practices:
Identify all stakeholders
All project team members should engage in stakeholder management activities
Consultative engagement with most impacted stakeholder(s) for the deliverable being produced.
Monitoring & Controlling and measuring the impact of positive & negative stakeholder engagement.

Adoption for Adaptive/Agile environments:
Adaptive/Agile teams ideally directly engage with stakeholder instead of intermediate roles.
Aggressive transparency
Highly iterative engagement.

Q&A Stakeholder Management

What are the dimensions measured on a stakeholder grid?

A. Access and availability
B. Expertise and influence
C. Interest and power
D. Motive and opportunity

2.  Which of the following is not a tool used to manage the stakeholder engagement?

A. Communication methods
B. Interpersonal skills
C. Management skills
D. Issue log

3. The primary purpose of the stakeholder register is:

A. To keep a list of all project stakeholders
B. To record stakeholder issues on the project
C. To map functional requirements but to the originate in stakeholder
D. To serve as a project directory

4. The most important element in project success is:

A. Stakeholder satisfaction
B. How the product meets the requirements
C. Overall product quality
D. Overall project quality

5. Which of the following does not identify someone as a stakeholder during stakeholder analysis?

A. Someone who proposes a solution
B. Someone who creates a need
C. Someone who is affected by the need
D. Someone who would be affected by the solution

6. Identified stakeholder needs should all be:

A. Addressed by the project product
B. Qualified
C. Ranked from greatest to least
D. Documented in the stakeholder management plan

7. Which of the following is not a classification of stakeholder engagement?

A. Unaware
B. Resistant
C. Leading
D. Participating

8. Dave is working on a matrix where he is measuring the stakeholder engagement on the project.  What dimension would he likely to be assessing and plotting?

A. Power and interest to influence the project
B. Ability and urgency to influence the project
C. Current and desired levels of interest
D. Expertise and availability to engage with the project

9. Which of the following statements is false regarding stakeholders?

A. Stakeholders may have a positive or negative interest in the success of the project
B. All stakeholders should be identified before the project execution begins
C. Stakeholders may not be affected by the outcome but may perceive that they could be affected by the outcome
D. Stakeholders may be people, or organizations

10. Which of the following is true concerning work performance data and work performance information?

A. Work performance data is used at the organizational level, while work performance information is used at the project-level
B. Work performance information is more useful than work performance data
C. Work performance data is collected from monitoring and controlling processes
D. Work performance information represents raw observations and measurements


1.  C. When plotting stakeholder interest on a matrix, interest and influence, and sometimes involvement, are measured

2.  D. This may have looked hard, but it was not so difficult to reason out.  The issue log is the primary output of manage stakeholder engagement, so it could not also be a tool. A, B, and C are all tools used in that process

3.  A. The stakeholder register is a list of the stakeholders with their assessment and classification as it relates to the project

4.  A. This one should have been easy given the topic of the quiz, but you may well see questions like this on the PMP Exam.  While all of the elements are important, stakeholder satisfaction is the most important

5.  B. The term stakeholder is very broad and generally includes quite a few groups.  However, someone who creates a need is ambiguous enough to not fit well within this list. There will always be people who create needs or problems on your project, and that does not automatically qualify them as a stakeholder.

6.  C. Stakeholder needs are to be ranked from greatest to least.  This is key for determining project priorities. “A” would be wonderful, but it is not realistic to think that every need a stakeholder raises will be addressed by the project. ”B” is not a bad answer, but by the time they are identified, they are essentially qualified as stakeholders. ”D” may sound like a good answer, but the stakeholder management plan is created before the stakeholders have been identified.

7.  D. The five states of stakeholder engagement are Unaware, Resistant, Neutral, Supportive, and Leading. “Participating” might seem to make sense, but it is not a classification since the project manager does not typically need to measure the engagement of team members participating on the project.

8.  C. The stakeholder engagement matrix plots the current and desired levels of engagement by stakeholders.

9.  B. If you missed this one, don’t feel bad.  It is best to identify stakeholders early, but the key to getting it right is the word “all”.  Many of them may not emerge until late in the project.

10.  B. WPI and WPD show up in Control Stakeholder Engagement.  Remember that work performance data is raw, while work performance information has been analyzed and made more useful. “A” has no grounding in reality at all, and “C” and “D” are opposite of the truth


In the stakeholder register the stakeholders can be classified into the following.
a.       Internal/external
b.      Supporter
c.       Neutral
d.      All of the above
2.      Influence/ Impact grid classify the stakeholder based on the following
a.       Power and Influence
b.      Influence and Impact
c.       Power and Urgency
d.      Power and Interest
3.      Which of the following is not input to Identify Stakeholders process
a.       Project Management Plan
b.      Project Charter
c.       Procurement  Documents
d.      Organizational Process Assets
4.      Organizational Process Assets that an influence the Identify stakeholder process include.
a.       Stakeholder register from the current project
b.      Issue log from previous projects
c.       Stakeholder register from Previous project
d.      None of the above
5.      The engagement level of the stakeholders can be classified as
a.       Unaware
b.      Resistant
c.       Neutral
d.      All of the above
6.       In a highway construction project the planning was complete and execution was about to begin.  The villagers living in vicinity came out and stopped the execution. They demanded a very high compensation that adversely impacted the budget and timelines of the project. Which process from PMBOK would have helped in preventing this problem from occurring?
a.       Identify Stakeholders
b.      Plan communication
c.       Plan Budget
d.      Develop Schedule
7.      Which of the following processes do not use meetings as a tools and techniques?
a.       Identify Stakeholders
b.      Plan Stakeholder Management
c.       Manage Stakeholder Engagement
d.      Control Stakeholder Engagement
8.      Project plan updates during  Manage Stakeholder Engagement Process  can be due to
a.       Change in the scope baseline
b.      Change in the schedule baseline
c.       Change in the cost performance baseline
d.      Replacement of an ineffective communication method by a new method
9.      Which of the following statement about the issue log is correct
a.       The Issue log contains Risks and is created during Manage Stakeholder Engagement Process
b.      The Issue log contains Issues and is created during Plan Stakeholder Engagement Process
c.       The Issue log contains Issues and Risks and is created during Control Stakeholder Engagement process
d.      The Issue log  is updates as new issues are identified and current issues are resolved during Manage Stakeholder Engagement Process
10.  Which of the following are output of Manage Stakeholder Engagement process
a.       Project Management Plan Updates
b.      Organizational Process Asset Update
c.       Change Request
d.      All of the above
11.  Which of the following is the process of monitoring overall project relationships and adjusting the strategies and plans for engaging stakeholders?
a.       Control Stakeholder Engagement
b.      Plan Stakeholder Engagement
c.       Manage Stakeholder Engagement
d.      Identify Stakeholders
12.  Work Performance Data is  input to which of the following process
a.       Control Stakeholder Engagement
b.      Plan Stakeholder Engagement
c.       Manage Stakeholder Engagement
d.      Identify Stakeholders
13.  Which of the following processes is used to process the change requests generated from analysis of project performance and interaction with the project stakeholders?
a.       Control Stakeholder Engagement
b.      Perform Integrated Change Control
c.       Manage Stakeholder Engagement
d.      Plan Stakeholder Engagement
14.  Who of the following are project stakeholders?
a.       Someone who thinks that they are impacted by the outcome of the project
b.      Competitors
c.       Team members
d.      Government
15.  Fill in the blank
Projects stakeholders are individuals, groups, or                     who may effect, be affected by, or perceive themselves to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of the project. 
a.       Team
b.      Team Members
c.       Sponsors
d.      Organization
16.  The number of stakeholders in a project depends upon
a.       Size of the Project
b.      Type  of the Project
c.       Complexity  of the Project
d.      All of the above
17.  Project Charter is an input in the Identify stakeholders process and it provides information related to
a.       Project Budget
b.      Major Risk
c.       Project Timelines
d.      Internal and External parties related with the project
18.  Which of the following document provides guidance in managing stakeholder’s expectations?
a.       Stakeholder Register
b.      Stakeholder Management plan
c.       Communication Management Plan
d.      Project Management Plan
19.  For a project that is a result of a procurement activity, which of the following is a key stakeholder?
a.       Suppliers
b.      Parties in the Contract
c.       Competitors
d.      Customers
20.  Which of the following are the contents of the Stakeholder Management Plan
a.       Desired and current engagement levels of key stakeholders
b.      Identified Interrelationship and Potential overlap between stakeholders
c.       Stakeholder communication requirements for the current phase
d.      All of the above
21.  Which of the following are true about  activities related to the process Manage Stakeholder Engagement
a.       Engaging stakeholders at appropriate project stages to obtain or confirm their continued commitment to the success of the project
b.      Clarifying and resolving issues that have been identified
The correct answers are:
a.       a & b
b.      a only
c.       b only
d.      None of the above
22.  Which of the following process has Interpersonal skills as a tools and techniques?
a.       Identify Stakeholders
b.      Plan Stakeholder Management
c.       Manage Stakeholder Engagement
d.      Control Stakeholder Engagement
23.  Which  document  provides the  information related to needs and techniques for communication among stakeholders
a.       Project Management Plan
b.      Stakeholder Register
c.       Stakeholder Management Plan
d.      Communication Plan
24.  Percentage work completed, technical performance measures , start and finish dates of scheduled activities , number of change requests, number of defects , actual costs and actual duration etc are included in
a.       Work Performance Information
b.      Work Performance Data
c.       Performance Reports
d.      Forecasting
25.   Which of the following process uses Information Management System as a tool and technique
a.       Identify Stakeholder
b.       Plan Stakeholder Engagement
c.       Manage Stakeholder Engagement
d.      Control Stakeholder Engagement

1.      d
2.      b
3.      a
4.      c
5.      d
6.      a
7.      c
8.      d
9.      d
10.  d
11.  a
12.  a
13.  b
14.  c
15.  d
16.  d
17.  d
18.  c
19.  b
20.  d
21.  a
22.  c
23.  a
24.  b
25.  d
